Would you agree that we will all become frail one day?


Many of us have seen our parents, grandparents, friends and family become frail as they became older. So, we know that it happens very day.

These individuals can’t walk, eat, bath, dress. Their speech becomes slower, they begin to forget things, they may shake and they become physically weak due to illness or frailty. Some need care due to Dementia or Parkinson’s disease.


Most Americans will need some type of physical assistance in their lives. Statistics tell us that 7 of every 10 Adults age 65 and over will need Long-Term Care assistance.


Options for receiving Assisted Living and Home Health Care are many. But one thing is sure, they all cost money. In some States, a considerable amount of money. Costs of $3,000 to more than $12,000 per month are typical, depending on services chosen.


So, the question is how do you pay for it? Do you sell hard earned assets, do you rely on family’s assets, the government or something else?

Each individual’s needs is different should be evaluated carefully by a professional.


At Comprehensive Insurance Consultants, we can help you evaluate your particular situation and recommend solutions that fit your budget and lifestyle.


Don’t wait until it’s to late. Download your FREE Long Term Care Article today.